Analytical and communications skills with AI

Analytical and communications skills with AI

As a new digital marketer, it can be difficult to explain how your digital marketing activities are driving real business results.

Our Metahuman Stephanie, is an CEO who wants to discuss the performance of a recent digital campaign. In the scenario with Stephanie, learners apply their marketing knowledge and combine this with analytical and communication skills to explain how their recent campaign could be improved.

If you have questions about our prototype, or have ideas about this technology, comment below or feel free to reach out to the PGx team via:

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Dynamic AI conversation in Nursing

Dynamic AI conversation in Nursing

Nurses seeking to upskill themselves in tuberculosis (TB) need the skills to screen individuals from at risk populations for both active and latent TB, and apply effective strategies to prevent, contain and treat the disease.

Our Metahuman, Raj, helps learners to develop their skills in screening, diagnosing and treating patients from a variety of different backgrounds while building rapport and educating the patient about treatment. Raj is apprehensive about seeing the nurse and is unsure what his symptoms might reveal…

If you have questions about our prototype, or have ideas about this technology, comment below or feel free to reach out to the PGx team via:

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The intersection of Learning Analytics and AI

The 2023 Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute (ALASI): “Synergies in Education: Empowering Minds through Learning Analytics and AI” brought together educators, researchers, and practitioners for an engaging exploration of cutting-edge techniques and ideas at the intersection of education, analytics, and AI.

The intersection of Learning Analytics and AI offers an unprecedented opportunity to create dynamic, personalised learning experiences that cater to the unique needs of each learner. In Adelaide for the event, the team facilitated a workshop on intelligent learning systems and showcased the Metahuman as an advancement in AI-driven learning platforms, adaptive assessment, and intelligent tutoring systems that can enhance learner engagement and achievement.

If you have questions about our prototype, or have ideas about this technology, comment below or feel free to reach out to the PGx team via:

Sam Dessen

Sam Dessen

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Could learner-AI interactions improve interpersonal skills in preparation for the workforce?

Could learner-AI interactions improve interpersonal skills in preparation for the workforce?

The PGx team have been hard at work developing immersive reality simulations that have potential to revolutionise how our learners practice and improve their communication skills. To achieve this, we’ve created interactive AI characters or ‘metahumans’ that are programmed with personalities, back-stories and health symptoms.

Our first prototype was designed for learners studying nursing, so they can practice their verbal communication skills as they interact with these metahumans, questioning, comforting and educating them about their illnesses and treatments. The virtual environment (the hospital), the appearance of the characters, their voices and backstories can all be easily changed and updated, making these types of conversational simulations applicable in a wide range of educational contexts, across many different disciplines.

We are continuing to improve our conversational AI model, so the language of the Metahumans becomes more realistic, and their personalities become increasingly dynamic and nuanced.

If you have questions about our prototype, or have ideas about this technology, comment below or feel free to reach out to the PGx team via:

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